How to make the first query?
- Select the time interval, corrdinate range and active regions of interest. By default, the whole time period from January 01, 2002 to the present date is set, and all possible coordinates and active regions are included.
- Click "DISPLAY INSTRUMENT-BASED FILTERS". The list of available catalogs and filters will appear.
- Select the instrument-based filters. Click "AVAILAILITY" to activate the filters for particular instrument/catalog. Then set up the filters of interest. The active filters appear in the "LIST OF ACTIVE FILTERS" field on top of the query form.
- Click "Submit" button. The table of events satisfying the selected filters appears. One can scroll the table, sort it based on particular column, save the query results to the file.
- Select the event of interest from the table, and click "Plot Data" button. The new page with teh event details appears. One can look at the light curve graphs, verify the osbervatinal coverage of the selected event, and find the similar events.
How to upload the saved query result?
- Click "Choose file" button in the "UPLOAD PREVIOUS QUERY" field.
- Click "Upload" button to push the selected file to the server.
- Click "Submit" button. Now you can work with the received table.
How to select the events from one catalog having no counterparts in other catalog?
We do not allow the user to make the queries like this in the current implementation of the database. However, this search could be done in several steps by 1) querying all the events mentioned in the first catalog; 2) quering all the events mentioned in the first and second catalogs simultaneously; 3) subtracting the resluts of the second query from the results of the first query.
Is it possible to query the CMEs not associated with the flares?
Unfortunately, currently we do not provide such option.
What expansion of IRIS field of view is suggested to use?
Based on personal experience, we suggest the users to expand the IRIS FOV by 100 arcsecs. Positions of the GOES flares is often determined based on the active regions, and usage of smaller expansion may result in loss of some evevnts of interest during the query.