Team: Viacheslav Sadykov, Rishabh Gupta, Dr. Alexander Kosovichev, Dr. Vincent Oria, Dr. Gelu Nita

Project Description

The fundamental motivation for the project is driven by the idea that the scientific outcome of solar research can be greatly enhanced by a better exploitation of the existing solar/heliosphere space data products jointly with ground-based observations.

Our primary focus is on developing a specific innovative methodology based on the recent advances in "big  data" intelligent databases and on the tremendously growing amount of high-spatial and multi-wavelength resolution, high-cadence data from NASA's missions and supporting ground-based observatories.

Our flare database is not just another data portal limited to a manually searchable time-based catalog of events or list of web links pointing to data. It is also a preprocessed metadata repository enabling fast search and automatic identification of all recorded flares sharing a particular set of characteristics, features, and parameters.

As the result, we present a new unique database of solar flares and data search and classification tools to the Heliophysics community, enabling multi-instrument/multi-wavelength investigation of flare physics, and supporting further development of flare prediction methodologies.

Please take a moment to explore our database query tool!


We thank the teams of the GOES, RHESSI, SDO, IRIS, Fermi GBM and Hinode space missions, and also OVSA and Nobeyama Radio observatories for the availability of the high-quality scientific data.

We also thank the teams managing the currently used catalogs (GOES, RHESSI, Hinode, Fermi GBM, Konus-WIND, OVSA flare catalogs, Filament eruption catalog, CACTus CME catalog and Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase) for the possibility to work with their data.

The project is supported by the 2015 Faculty Seed Grant from NJIT (PI Alexander Kosovichev), NSF Grant 1639683 (PI Alexander Kosovichev, Co-Is: Gelu Nita and Vincent Oria), NASA NESSF Fellowship Grant NNX16AP05H (PI Alexander Kosovichev, student Viacheslav Sadykov), NASA grant NNX15AN48G (06/23/2015-06/22/2017, PI Gelu Nita, Co-Is: Alexander Kosovichev and Vincent Oria), and NSF Grant AGS-1927578 (PI Haimin Wang, Co-Is: Gelu Nita, Jason Wang, Vincent Oria, Alexander Kosovichev).

Last revision: 07/14/2022 20:39:02